Sewer & Drain Repair Services in Kildeer, IL
Top Rated & Reviewed Sewer & Drain Service Provider
Sewer Cleanout in Kildeer, IL
Professional Cleanout Installation & Service
Older homes were generally built without outside cleanout. The only access to the sewer line might be in the basement. As a result, getting the power rodder or cutter into the service line may be difficult. Drains Inc. has the experience and the expertise you need to handle any sewer or drainage problem.

Increase the life of your drainage system
Tree roots can get into the pipe through the cracks and joints, creating obstructions. The roots will create stress on the pipe making it deteriorate. Groundwater will enter through the cracks and over time groundwater will enter as the pipe continues to deteriorate. The groundwater could overload the entire sewer system resulting in sewer backups. Deterioration of sewer pipes includes settling that create sags that can trap solid materials, cracking of the pipe itself and pipe joints that soon begin to leak.
Make Future Maintenance Easier
Backwater valves to prevent sewer backflow
The installation of a cleanout located outside of the house will make future maintenance easier, and you also won’t have a mess in the house from the rodding work. Call us today at 847-485-0031 for more information about our cleanout installations.
Hydro Jetting in Kildeer, IL
Clear your sewer lines with hydro jetting
Hydro jetting is a cleaning technique used to clean sewers and drain lines that involves the use of the streaming, high-pressure water to rid the sewer lines and drain of tree roots, sludge, grease and other debris buildups. Hydro jetting sewer lines and drains is more effective when combined with rodding. Rodding doesn’t remove the residue on the walls and over time this results in another clog. Hydro Jetting completely removes the clogging without the use of harsh chemicals.
Ideal for unclogging obstacles
A hydro-jetter is like a pressure washer that produces 4,000 PSI. They run on gas or electric engines and are categorized as ultra-high pressure units designed for pipe cleaning. These tools are used in residential sewer systems and commercial sewer drains. They’re your best bet for unclogging and removing obstacles in sewers and drains, whether in commercial properties or residential homes.
Powerful clearing without the harsh chemicals
Hydro jetting is strong enough to remove hair, soap scum, goo, scale buildup and even tree roots that could clog your pipes. Hydro jetting is great for restaurants because it can remove grease and food. Call the sewer and drain professionals at Drains Inc at (847)485-0031 for more information and to request your FREE estimate.

Backwater valves & Flood Controls in Kildeer, IL
Backwater valves to prevent sewer backflow
If so the footing drains or seepage tile will need to be separated out to a new sump pump pit. If you have a basement with no sump pump pit, assume that you have the footing drains or seepage tiles tied directly into your sewer service. Contact us today for more information.

Backwater Valves Are Cheaper But Have Limitations
Backwater valves are easier and cheaper to install but have some limitations. You cannot use any of the facilities in your home while it is in the closed position. And if you have seepage tiles or foundation drains that are tied into the sanitary sewer service, your basement may still flood once the valves close as the footing drains or seepage tile water will be trapped and could back up. If the seepage tile or footing drains will need to be separated out to a new sump pump pit. If you have a basement with no sump pump pit, assume that you have the footing drains or seepage tiles tied directly into your sewer service.

Flood control systems
Backwater valves are generally easier and cheaper to install but they have some limitations. For one, you cannot use any of the facilities in your home while it is in the closed position. And if you have seepage tiles or foundation drains that are tied into the sanitary sewer service, your basement may still flood once the valves close as the footing drains or seepage tile water will be trapped and could back up.
Sewer Flood Controls For Homes Built Before 1972
All homes built after 1972 have separate sump pumps for the foundation drainage system as well as overhead sewage systems. A separate foundation drainage system helps keep the groundwater collected by the footing drains from entering the sanitary sewer systems during a rain storm. Flood controls, Backwater valves and Overhead sewer systems prevent sewer backups into the basement should the village sewer mains become overloaded or blocked.
Benefits Of Upgrading To Modern Overhead Sewer Systems
The older sewer systems can be upgraded to prevent sanitary sewer backups into the basement. Flood control systems are well worth it in the long run, As long as it’s maintenance yearly along with your sewer system. Flood controls allow you to use your system normally A flood control system is installed in your yard, depending on where your sewer system is located, that has a series of valves in it, along with a sump pit and an injector pump. If the city sewer systems back up, the valve will shut and any fixtures inside go into the sump pit and are pumped in front of the valves so you can use your inside the house as if the sewer system was running like normal. Give Drains Inc a call today at (847)485-0031 for your FREE estimate and more information about flood control systems for your home or business. With over 30 years of experience Drains Inc has the expertise you need to handle all your sewer and drain problems.
Regular maintenance for optimal preparedness
Some maintenance is required to keep the protection measure in operation. If a backwater valve is recommended to prevent sewer backups, you should realize that regular maintenance is needed to keep the improvement working as intended. Inspection and cleaning of a backwater valve system is recommended once a year. Call the trusted professionals at Drains Inc. today at 847-485-0031 for more information about backwater valve systems and to request your FREE estimate.
Sump Pump | Ejector Pump Services in Kildeer, IL
The Problem With Sump Pump Misuse
One of the biggest problems that manufacturers of sump pumps have is their misuse. Regular sump pumps are designed to handle liquids and some solid particles. Some people buy a sump pump and try to use it as a sewage ejector pump. Usually, the largest object that make it through a sump pump impeller is 1/2 inch in diameter. Sewage ejector pumps can handle up to a 1.5 inch or larger.
Ensuring your pumps work how they should
When relying on your sump pump to keep your basement dry, we recommend cleaning the pit every year. If your pump discharges water from a washing machine the lint from your clothes can clog the filter on a pump. The pump will fail to operate when you need it the most! We can install a screen to keep larger pieces from interfering with the sump pump. They rarely fail to operate during dry weather. Drains Inc can clean the pits for you, and when we install new pumps we also clean the pits. Drains Inc has the best pump for your needs! Call us at 847-485-0031 for your FREE estimate and more information about our pump selections and services.

Battery Backups in Kildeer, IL
A range of backup pumps
Depending on the size of the battery and the height of the sump pumps discharge point, some models can pump up to 6 or more hours. Most battery backup pumps are not as powerful as a standard sump pump that operates on 110 volts of current. A standard 110 volt 1/3 horsepower sump pump can almost always discharge about 35 gallons of water per minute assuming the discharge point is no more than 10 feet above the pump. Depending on the model we install a battery backup model that will pump up to 20 gallons per minute with no more than 10-foot discharge height. Remember that the backup pumps are just a backup. The purpose of the sump pump is to get you through the emergency! Call Drains Inc at 847-485-0031 for your FREE estimate and more information about our backup battery services for your sump pump system.
Protect Yourself From Water Damage With One Of Two Battery backups
Battery services that help you through the emergency Make sure that your home is protected with a reliable battery backup system from the professionals at Drains Inc we offer two types of battery backup systems for our customers. The first is a battery system to run your primary sump pump when you don’t need a secondary pump. Our battery system can run for up to two days depending on how much it runs, the size of the sump pump, and the height of discharge. Countless basements have flooded due to a power outage caused by a severe rainstorm, causing extensive and irreplaceable damages to the homeowner’s valuables or to their finished basements. Our second type is a battery backup sump pump can be installed in the same pump pit as the primary pump. Some battery backup pumps will tell you the status of the power supply. Some models will provide a continuous steady beep if the battery is getting low. If the battery has a partial charge, it will produce a chirp similar to that of a smoke detector with a low battery.

Window Wells & Foundation Leaks in Kildeer, IL

Handle Promptly Or It Could Affect Your Health
Removal of water from leaky foundations and window wells Problems with any of these systems can be a major nuisance for you and even possibly your health. The water leaking into your basement or building up in your window wells, and crawlspace, it can eventually lead to mold buildup and major damage to your foundation.
Seepage/foundation drains
Seepage tile installation and services
Seepage tiles and foundation drainage tile systems are one of the most important aspects of residential and sewer. Drain tile systems are also one of the most misunderstood aspects. These systems are usually buried and cannot be easily modified or corrected, it is very important that they are installed correctly. The importance of foundation drain tile systems Many homes have full basements or crawlspaces. These basements and crawlspaces are really reverse swimming pools. In other words, most people don’t want water in their basements or crawlspaces. Foundation drain tile systems is so that the groundwater can be transported away from your basement or crawlspace. If you want a dry basement or crawlspace, you must have an adequate foundation drainage system. Call us at 847-485-0031 for your FREE estimate and more information about foundation drain tile.
Sewer camera locating in Kildeer, IL
Providing camera location services
Drains Inc and Sewer has the experience and state-of-the-art camera & video equipment in locating and identifying your sewer and drain problems. With this technology it enables us to inspect and accurately determine the condition of your sewer line. Video inspections are an excellent way to find a variety of obstructions, like buildup, offset joints, broken sewers, sagging pipes, and sludge. With the accurate information, Drains Inc can determine the best course of action to take to repair the problem. Call Drains Inc today at 847-485-0031 for your FREE estimate and more information about our camera location services.
Video Record Provided For You
Drains Inc. can also record your line for future use, or if you’re buying or selling a home, to show the new owners, or inspect the one you are thinking of purchasing. Call Drains Inc and ask us about the wide range of sewer and drain services we offer.

Facing a sewer or drain problem? Don't let it stress you out. Request our professional services today and experience quick, reliable solutions. Our experts are ready to tackle any issue. Use the form online or give us a call now.